What Are Disqualifying Conditions for Federal Long-Term Insurance Coverage?
Care by Family Members
The federal program doesn't pay for care or services provided by a family member or someone who normally lives with you upon your becoming eligible for benefits. However, it will pay if the family member works for an organization that provides long-term care services. The organization for which the family member works must receive the payment for the care, and his compensation must be equivalent to the salary of similar employees in his job category.
Medicare-Covered Expenses
The federal program doesn't pay for services or supplies for which Medicare reimburses, unless the situation is one in which Medicare is determined to be the secondary insurance payor. Neither does the program pay for services or supplies for which there is no obligation to pay in the absence of insurance.
Inpatient Care
The federal program doesn't pay for care that you receive while hospitalized, unless you are assigned to a unit in the hospital that specifically is designated as a nursing home or hospice facility. The federal program also excludes coverage for care or treatment provided in a government facility, such as a Department of Defense or Department of Veterans Affairs hospital.
Care Related to Vice
The federal program doesn't pay for care related to illness, treatment or medical condition arising from alcoholism or drug addiction, participation in a felony, riot or insurrection. It doesn't pay for expenses related to attempted suicide, whether you are declared sane or insane. Neither does it pay for expenses related to intentionally self-inflicted injuries.