Pros & Cons of Universal Healthcare Plans
Universal healthcare provides health services to all citizens, which proponents believe is a human right. People with pre-existing conditions would be able to obtain healthcare, so it would ultimately save lives. In addition, centralized universal healthcare eliminates paperwork inefficiencies. Providing preventive care, such as regular check-ups, might reduce costs by preventing diseases or treating them in early stages.
Universal healthcare forces healthy citizens to help pay for those who are sick. The government might ration drugs, equipment or treatment, according to some opponents. In addition, the lack of a profit motive might lead to inefficiency or wastefulness. Finally, some opponents argue that because it is illegal to refuse to treat someone at an emergency room, some form of universal healthcare already exists in the United States.
A 2002 Institutes of Medicine study found that more than 18,000 American citizens die each year because they do not have health insurance, according to My Family Doctor. More than 45 million United States residents do not have health insurance, according to