Are Single & Unemployed People Eligible for Medicaid in Florida?
Basic Requirements
Florida Medicaid is available to families and individuals with low or limited income and those who are either currently employed or unemployed. If the individual's current income is beneath the standard income provided by the local Medicaid office and you meet other eligibility requirements, you may apply.
Pregnant women may apply for Medicaid as soon as the pregnancy is diagnosed by a health care professional. Women may apply through a local Medicaid office or through the Florida Medicaid website by downloading the application and mailing it to the indicated Medicaid office (see Reference). Additionally, there is an online application that an individual may mail directly to the Medicaid offices.
Children up to the age of 18 may receive Medicaid assistance through Florida if the family's income and assets do not exceed $2,000. If the family receives or qualifies for Temporary Cash Assistance then the child is automatically eligible for Medicaid. Parents or other guardians for children up to 19 years of age may apply for Medicaid as long as the family meets Medicaid income requirements.
Non U.S. Citizens
Individuals who could receive Medicaid if not for citizenship status may apply for Medicaid for emergencies while in the United States. Once the treatment is complete, the applicant will need proof from a physician showing that treatment was an emergency and a requirement and the date of completion for that treatment.
Disabled or Elderly
Individuals who are 65 years or older or disabled and receive limited incomes may be eligible to receive Florida Medicaid. If an individual receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) through the Social Security Administration--federal funds that help blind, disabled or elderly low-income people meet basic needs--then that individual is automatically eligible. An individual may apply through the ACCESS Florida Application or inquire through SSI if eligible.
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