How to Get Health Insurance in Tennessee
Go to the State of Tennessee website to research your health-care options and see if you qualify for any government programs. The site features resources for health-care services and health insurance. The health-care services section covers basic health services, vaccines, programs to assist with meeting your health-care needs, free mammogram and Pap tests, dental care and resources for general health information. The health insurance section covers health insurance for children, qualifying for Medicaid, affording prescriptions and getting insurance with preexisting conditions.
Call Health Assist Tennessee if you're having difficulty finding health coverage and need personal one-on-one assistance. Health Assist Tennessee is a nonprofit organization that provides eligibility counseling, assistance with applications, case management and referrals to state and federal programs. A representative can tell you what you qualify for; even if you don't qualify for any state or federal programs, he can help you find and apply for private insurance coverage. To receive assistance, call the organization at 800-269-4038.
Go to the CoverKids website if you have children in need of coverage and you want to see if your kids qualify under the state plan. If your income is 250 percent under the federal poverty level, your kids may qualify for free coverage. If your income is over 250 percent of the poverty level, your kids can still qualify with a buy-in option. The 2010 rate per child is $239 per month. To apply, download the application, print it, fill it out and send it back to the address listed on the application.
Go to the State of Tennessee TennCare website to see if you meet the qualifications for Medicaid insurance coverage. Examples of qualified candidates are children under 21, pregnant women, single parents, parents who have lost jobs or are disabled, women with cancer, anyone receiving SSI and qualified individuals living in nursing homes. If you believe you may be qualified, contact the Family Assistance Service Center at 866-311-4287. You can also download the application and print it from the website.
Go to the federal Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan website if you're having difficulty finding insurance coverage due to a preexisting condition. Check the eligibility requirements and see if you qualify. Some of the eligibility requirements include being a citizen or national of the U.S. or a lawful resident who has been uninsured for six months or more and has had a problem getting insurance due to a preexisting condition. If you qualify and want to apply, download the application, print it, fill it out and mail it to the address stated on the application.
Go to the Tennessee Rural Health (TRH) website to find affordable health insurance plans. Tennessee Rural Health is a not-for-profit organization that originally provided health insurance assistance for rural families, but now it provides plans for a variety of applicants. It's a membership-based service, so you need to be a Tennessee Farm Bureau/TRH member to qualify for its plans. If you're not already a member, you can become one by including an extra $25, as of November 2010, for annual membership dues with your health insurance application. If you'd like to apply, download the application, print it, fill it out and mail it to the address provided along with your application fee and membership fee. In 2010, the application fee is $6.