How to Write a Grievance Statement
Obtain a grievance statement form from your institution or workplace. Each college or university has its own department that handles grievances. Visit your school's website, your student affairs department, or the employment department of the institution for specific information. If you're filing a workplace grievance, obtain a form from your human resources department. If there are no pre-printed forms, create one on a computer word processing program.
If you're not using a pre-printed form, left justify your statement so that everything aligns flush left. Write the name of the company and address where you work, or the name of the college or university and the address, centered at the top of the page. Include a telephone number.
Write your first and last name, the date, student identification (if applicable), mailing address, daytime phone number and email address.
Write the date the grievance occurred, the person or people who are involved, and if you made any attempt to resolve the issue.
Write the reasons you believe the incident or situation violates school or workplace policy, procedures or the law. Provide any documentation you possess that supports your claim.
Write the resolution you are seeking to address the violation. Sign your name at the bottom left of the last page, and write the date on the right side.