How to Locate a Tricare Provider
Open your web browser and go to TRICARE's "Find a Doctor" page.
Click the "Find an MTF near you" link to search for a military treatment facility near you if your coverage is TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Prime Overseas. You can search by region, state/country, specialty, service and facility.
Click either the "North Region," "South Region" or "West Region" links to search for a network provider near you. You may need a network provider if you have TRICARE Prime, Prime Remote, Standard, Extra, Reserve Select or Retired Reserve plans. Enter your ZIP code, state and coverage type in the appropriate fields. You can also search by provider type, specialty, language and sex.
Click the "Yellow Pages" or "AMA Doctor Finder" links to search for non-network providers. You can receive care from one of these providers if there is not a network provider in your area or you use TRICARE's point-of-service option.
Click the "Medicare Provider Directory" if you use TRICARE For Life. You can search providers by profession, specialty, location, sex and last name. You can also call 1-800-633-4227 to locate a Medicare provider.
Click the "Contact International SOS" if you need to find a provider outside the United States. You will find contact information for International SOS listed by region and country. You can also search an online database of overseas providers.
Click on a US Family Health Plan Provider link if you are enrolled in one of their programs. Each plan has different systems set up for searching for their providers. Generally, you can search by ZIP code and specialty.