Reimbursement for Youth Residential Treatment

Youth residential treatment specializes in assisting youths with psychiatric disorders. Reimbursement for your payments to youth residential treatment providers comes from insurance companies, although it can be hard to get.
  1. Medicaid

    • For many youths and families that receive Medicaid assistance, youth residential treatment is not covered. However, for those that live in states that Medicaid does cover youth residential treatment, specific guidelines must be followed before the youth is approved.

    Private Insurance

    • Many families find that private health insurance does not cover youth residential treatment. Many also find that most private insurance coverage does not have guidelines set in place for coverage of youth residential treatment. For those rare health policies that do cover treatment, specific criteria and guidelines have to be met.


    • Organizations that specialize in youth residential treatment had tried to raise awareness of state governments about the need for reimbursement. Departments of education in some states have also participated in organizing information on the importance of reimbursement for youth residential treatment. They hope to rectify the ongoing problem of lack of reimbursement.

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