How to Read UCare Member ID Cards in Minnesota
Things You'll Need
- UCare Minnesota health insurance ID card
Get your UCare Minnesota health insurance identification card out and have it nearby as a reference.
Place the card in front of you, face up. On the front of the card you should see the UCare logo in the upper left-hand corner. In the upper right-hand corner you should see the UCare Minnesota contact information which includes the address and phone number. In the center of the card you will see your health insurance information listed in a short format:
Issuer 80840
ID 00099999999 PMI# xxxxxxxx
mm/yyyy Account xxxxxx
Care Type UCARE
Svc Type xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Some of the specialized medical acronyms and abbreviations can be confusing. "PCP" is the Primary Care Provider, usually the primary doctor or doctor's office that you have chosen as part of your health insurance plan. "PMI" stands for Private Medical Insurance and would list the number of any other health insurance programs you might be covered by. "Care Type" indicates which UCare Program you are enrolled in. Minnesota UCare offers several health care programs including, MinnesotaCare, Prepaid Medical Assistance Program (PMAP), Minnesota Senior Health Options (MSHO), Minnesota Senior Care Plus, UCare Connect and UCare Complete. "Svc Type" is an abbreviation for Service Type.
Turn your UCare health insurance card over to view the back side of the card. The reverse side of the card is special information for pharmacies to use to process your insurance when filling prescriptions.
"Rx BIN" is referring to the pharmacy's Benefit Identification Number and "Rx PCN" is Processor Control Number; both are used to route insurance payments.. "Rx Group" shows the pharmacy your insurance plan's prescription group number. "Rx ID" shows the pharmacy your insurance plan's prescription ID number.