How to Get Health Insurance in Minnesota
Use the list of licensed companies that sell individual and family health care coverage on the Minnesota Department of Health website (see Resources) to identify licensed insurance providers in the state. Alternatively, you can call the Minnesota Department of Commerce at 651-296-2488 to ask about a company you have found. For information about health maintenance organizations (HMOs), you can call the Minnesota Department of Health at 651-201-5100.
Select an insurance company from the list and use the contact information to apply for your health insurance.
Apply for MinnesotaCare if you cannot afford standard insurance and need subsidized health coverage. The application form can be downloaded from the Minnesota Department of Human Services website (see Resources). You can also apply for basic medical assistance from the same website.
Visit the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association website (see Resources) if you have pre-existing conditions that prevent you from qualifying for traditional health insurance. The Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association specializes in health insurance for Minnesota residents with pre-existing conditions. The application form can be downloaded from the website.
Submit an application on the Minnesota Health Insurance Network website (see Resources) if you are looking for quotes from several insurance companies in Minnesota. The Minnesota Health Insurance Network offers coverage for individuals, families, small groups and the self-employed and offers quotes from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, Medica, Assurant/Fortis, HealthPartners and Preferred One.