How to Find a Regence Blue Shield Agent
Contact Regence Blue Shield. The company maintains a listing of all of the agents that sell its products. Call Regence's sales staff at 888-734-3623 and ask for help finding a local Regence agent. Regence also publishes a directory of its main sales offices that contains contact information, maps and driving directions.
Use resources developed by professional organizations that represent health insurance agents and brokers. The National Association of Health Underwriters and the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers Association of America provide online tools that let you search for a local health insurance agent who offers Regence products.
Talk to your employer's benefits manager. Because your employer's benefits staff frequently interacts with health insurance companies, agents and brokers, they may have a list of local Regence agents.
Consult local community groups. Health insurance companies and insurance agents frequently support community organizations to build relationships with the public. Check membership and sponsorship directories published by groups like Lions Club, Kiwanis Club and the local chamber of commerce for names of Regence insurance agents.