How to Access Medicaid in Florida
Visit the Florida Department of Children and Families Access Florida homepage (see Resources). The website offers pre-screening to determine your benefit eligibility. You can apply for Medicaid benefits by clicking "Apply for benefits." You will need to have your personal and financial information on hand to complete the application. You can re-certify Medicaid benefits online or request a packet if you cannot complete the recertification online.
Register by creating a username and password. To register, provide your full name, address, Social Security number and select a username and password. Note the information because you will need it in the future to access your account.
Check the status of your application or view current benefits by selecting the "My Access Account" tab. Enter your username and password to view detailed account information. You can track the status of your application, see whether additional verification is needed, view coverage period and print a temporary Medicaid card.
Call to speak to a representative. If you have any questions regarding your Medicaid case that cannot be handled through Access Florida, contact Medicaid by calling 866-762-2237. You have the option to hear account information through the automated system or hold for a live representative.
Visit your local Medicaid customer service center. You can go to a Florida Medicaid office for assistance in person if you prefer. Go to the Florida Department of Children and Families website and select programs. There will be a drop-down box listing Florida counties. Choose your location to obtain the address.