How Often Do MinnesotaCare Enrollees Have to Re-Enroll?
MinnesotaCare Basics
Initial eligibility for the program is based on factors that include income, family size and lack of other health insurance. Monthly premium payments are required and are based on a sliding scale. Preventative care, hospitalization and dental services are among the wide array of benefits available.
Enrollment and Recertification
To enroll in the program, you must submit a completed application and required documentation, such as pay stubs, to the MinnesotaCare office in Saint Paul. Once approved, your coverage will be certified for a 12-month period, and you must re-enroll every year.
Premium Payments
You also must pay your premium on a timely basis in order to be covered under MinnesotaCare. Your coverage will not begin until the premium is paid, according to the Department of Human Services. Furthermore, your coverage will end if you fail to pay the premium after your coverage has started, and you will not be eligible to re-enroll for four months.