How to Appeal a Denial for Medicaid in New Hampshire

Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides healthcare to low-income individuals, families and children. Each state -- including New Hampshire -- makes its own eligibility rules as to who can get benefits and what the financial limits are. To get Medicaid coverage in New Hampshire, you must submit an application and satisfy certain income, resource and age requirements. If you've recently applied for Medicaid in New Hampshire and the Department of Health and Human Services denies your benefits, you have the right to appeal the decision by requesting for a hearing or review of your case.


    • 1

      Review the Notice of Decision that you received in the mail regarding the denial of Medicaid benefits. Whenever you are approved or denied of Medicaid coverage in New Hampshire, DHHS will notify you of its decision in writing. The letter should state the reason or reasons for denial of benefits, an explanation of your rights to appeal the decision and the law that pertains to the decision that was made.

    • 2

      Note the time frame in the decision letter in which you are allowed to request a hearing from DHHS. In New Hampshire you must request a hearing within 30 days of receiving the notice.

    • 3

      Request an appeals hearing with the DHHS either by phone or mail. Call 603-271-4292 during office hours or write to Administrative Appeals Unit.

    • 4

      Mail documents and information pertaining to your case to the Appeals Unit. If you are planning to present exhibits -- letters, written opinions, medical records or other forms of evidence -- prepare a list of the exhibits and make a copy of each exhibit. If you're planning to bring witnesses to your hearing, prepare a list of their names and a summary of their proposed statements. The Administrative Appeals Unit must receive this information by mail at least five days before the date of your hearing.

    • 5

      Prepare your statements for the hearing. At the hearing, you will have a chance to present your argument to the presiding officer who is assigned to your case.

    • 6

      Show up on the date of your hearing at least 15 minutes in advance with your exhibits, witnesses and statements. The Appeals Unit will notify you of the officer's decision after your hearing.

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