How to Qualify for Louisiana Medicaid
Meet the Medicaid eligibility group requirement. You must belong to one of the Medicaid-covered groups in Louisiana to qualify. Louisiana's Medicaid program is intended to provide medical assistance to low-income people of the following categories: the elderly (65 years of age or older), blind or disabled; pregnant women; women who have been diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer and need to be treated; children under 18 years of age and live with one parent only; and children under 19 years of age.
Fulfill Louisiana Medicaid's financial requirements for your eligibility category. For example, if you are applying under LaCHIP, a Medicaid program in Louisiana for low-income children age 19 or younger, the total monthly household income for a family of four cannot exceed $3,675. To find out the financial requirements of all other groups' income requirements, call Louisiana Medicaid's hotline toll-free at 888-342-6207.
Download, print out and complete a hard copy of the Louisiana Medicaid General Application from the official website of Louisiana's Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH). If you prefer to receive a hard copy application in the mail, call the toll-free number to request an application. Or complete an application online (see Resources).
Gather the documents that DHH requires you to submit along with your application (you can find a complete list of these documents on page 8 of the application packet). Examples of documents that the DHH needs you to submit are: proof of citizenship or legal status in the United States; recent pay stubs; proof of income; and proof of things you own, such as bank accounts. DHH needs to see these documents for verification purposes and to determine whether or not you are eligible for Medicaid.
Mail your completed application and proofs to:
P.O. Box 91278
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9278
Or fax all paperwork to 877-523-2987.
Wait up to 45 days to find out if you qualify for Louisiana Medicaid. DHH will notify you once a decision has been made.