Questions Asked When Applying for Medicare
Birth Date
One of the first questions you will be asked when you attempt to enroll in Medicare is your date of birth. In order to enroll in any Medicare program, you must be at least 65 years old unless you are disabled or suffer from end-stage renal disease. Supplying your date of birth through a driver's license, birth certificate or passport allows the Medicare enrollment representative to determine whether you meet the age requirement.
Marital Status
You will also be asked about your marital status when you attempt to enroll in a Medicare insurance program. In some cases, your Medicare insurance premiums may be affected by your total joint income and whether or not your spouse is also covered under Medicare or under an independent health insurance plan. If you indicate that you are married, you will also be asked about your tax filing status. If you file taxes separately, your Medicare enrollment premiums may be based on the income information you supply to document your own income. If you are married and file taxes jointly, your income level may vary, and the premiums for Medicare coverage may be adjusted depending on your circumstances.
Employment Status
Your employment status can affect your eligibility for Medicare enrollment, so you will be asked about your employment history and your spouse's employment history when you apply for Medicare. According to, Medicare has special rules for beneficiaries who have group health insurance coverage through their employer or through their spouse's employer. If you have health insurance benefits provided through former employment in the military or with a federal agency, the rules for eligibility may differ.
Insurance Status
When you wish to enroll in Medicare insurance coverage, you will be asked about your current insurance coverage. A Medicare representative will ask you whether you are already covered under any part of Medicare. If you are married, you may also be asked whether your spouse is currently covered under Medicare part A, B, C or D. When you begin the application process for Medicare, you will also be asked if you are currently covered under any other health insurance plans through Medicaid, private health insurance or through employer-provided insurance.