Why Is Health Insurance Important for My Child?
Children's health care plans generally are similar to those for adults. In return for paying a set fee to an insurance company, the plan covers the costs of certain medical procedures for the child. In most cases, the policyholder pays a monthly fee, called a premium, to retain coverage. Some policies require that the patient pay deductibles on claims before the insurance begins to pay.
Children can receive health insurance from a number of sources. Many have coverage under their parents' plans, often offered by employers. Many families choose to buy individual plans for their children from private insurers. Children whose parents are financially unable to provide health insurance may receive coverage under government-sponsored plans, including the State Children's Health Insurance Program, and sometimes through Medicaid.
Health insurance is critically important for children because it ensures they can receive proper medical attention when needed. While parents can pay out-of-pocket for children's health expenses, the costs can be prohibitive. Health insurance provides an affordable means of paying for many childhood immunizations and the costs of treating many common childhood diseases and injuries.
Expert Insight
According to the Campaign for Children's Health Care, children with insurance are more likely to receive care whenever needed than children who don't have the coverage. For example, children with insurance are more likely to see a doctor for a number of common conditions, including ear infections. Children with health insurance tend to be healthier overall and miss fewer days of school, which allows their parents to miss less work.
An important reason children should have health care is the injuries or diseases a child suffers early in life can affect his growth and development. When a child gets sick or injured, he has a chance of having lasting health problems. Because children grow rapidly, they can suffer permanent impairments to their mental, physical and emotional development.