List of the Advantages of Universal Healthcare
Makes Coverage Affordable
Under most universal health care systems, coverage is made significantly cheaper for a large number of people covered by it. Under non-universal systems, insurance companies set rates for patients based on the likelihood that a person will require treatment. Those with a greater likelihood generally pay more. Under a universal system, coverage would be made affordable for everyone, meaning that such price inequalities would be eliminated. The price that someone would pay for universal health care will vary depending on the specific law. One of the central goals of universal health care is to make sure that no one is denied coverage due to price.
Prevents Deaths
Each year, people in the United States die due a lack of health insurance. Under a universal health care system, these deaths would have been prevented. Universal health care provides coverage for all residents. Many universal health care systems automatically bestow coverage on all residents. Others, however, make it a legal requirement that residents purchase it on their own from private insurers, with the government often providing subsidies for them to do so. Others use a combination of these methods to ensure that all residents are covered.
Encourages Preventive Medicine
Under a system in which people are forced to pay for each treatment they receive, many will opt to not receive preventive medical treatment that keeps them healthy, as they will be charged for it. Only when his condition becomes dire will the person seek out care. Under a universal system, more people will be willing to seek out preventive medicine. This can, in many cases, cost less, as diseases are prevented through low-cost methods before they can escalate into expensive, chronic conditions.
Under systems in which health care is not guaranteed to residents, private insurance companies can deny people from receiving coverage or make the price of a policy so expensive that it's essentially unaffordable. This is particularly true of people with pre-existing conditions. Under a universal health care plan, no one is denied coverage.
No Job Lock
According to Colorado State University, one of the side benefits of universal health care is that it would enable people to leave jobs they don't like or are overqualified for, but which they keep because the position includes health care coverage. When people in the labor market are free to move from job to job without restrictions, productivity improves as people are better matched to positions that employ their skills. Under a universal health care system, people would be assured coverage anywhere, preventing them from being tethered to inappropriate work.