List of Tennessee Health Plans
Managed by the Bureau of TennCare, a division of the Tennessee Department of Finance and Administration, TennCare operates with federal and state funds. TennCare participants receive services through managed care organizations, including UnitedHealthcare and BlueCare. TennCare benefits include health clinic visits, emergency transport services, hospice care, home health care services, hospital care and vision services. Eligible Tennessee residents include low-income families, pregnant women, the blind and disabled persons. Additional services can include long-term care in nursing homes and intermediate care for mentally disabled residents. TennCare also offers prescription drug coverage and dental services for kids under 21 years of age. Residents can apply for TennCare at county Department of Human Services offices.
CoverTN offers low-cost health insurance coverage for self-employed persons, small businesses and residents who cannot afford other coverage. The plan offers portable coverage, allowing participants to take the insurance with them when changing jobs or when unemployed. Individual premiums typically range from $37 to $109 per month (as of October 2010), but can vary depending on age, tobacco use and weight. CoverTN benefits can include doctor visits, diabetic supplies, inpatient services, prescription medications and emergency services. CoverTN plans require participants to make coinsurance payments for services. The state offers CoverTN plans to small businesses and their employees, self-employed persons, unemployed workers, spouses of CoverTN participants and local governments and their employees. Because of budgetary limitations, CoverTN suspended new enrollment in December 2009 and will notify residents through its Cover Tennessee website when new enrollment resumes.
The CoverKids program offers health care coverage for kids 18 years of age or younger. CoverKids benefits include doctor visits, laboratory services, maternity care, hospital services and prescription medication coverage. The majority of services require coinsurance payments, but CoverKids pays 100 percent for immunizations and well child doctor visits. The program is open to children who are Tennessee residents, U.S. citizens or qualified non-citizens, children who do not meet the qualifications for TennCare and children who do not have access to health insurance for state employees. Qualification for the program requires participants meet specific income limits, based on the number of children in a household and the age of the children. Residents can apply for CoverKids insurance through the Cover Tennessee website.
Tennessee's CoverRX program provides benefits only for the purchase of prescription medications. The program offers reduced prices for more than 250 generic drugs, mental health prescriptions and insulin. CoverRX participants pay no premiums but must meet income requirements to qualify. Participants must pay a coinsurance payment for prescriptions, ranging from $3 to $8 for a 30-day supply of generic medications (as of October 2010). Residents can apply for CoverRX through the Cover Tennessee website.