Childbirth Coaching
Prepare for your role as a childbirth coach by learning all you can about the process of giving birth. If you can, attend a childbirth education class with the mother-to-be. You'll both learn about the natural process of giving birth, common complications and medical interventions, comfort measures you can provide as a childbirth coach and methods of coping with pain during labor and delivery.
Encourage the expectant mother to walk as much as she can during early labor (unless her doctor or midwife advises against it for medical reasons). If she cannot walk, encourage her to remain in an upright position such as standing and leaning against a wall, sitting in a rocking chair or kneeling while resting her arms and head on a chair. This allows gravity to help the baby move into the birth canal.
Encourage the expectant mother to sip water, juice or herbal tea or to eat ice chips at regular intervals as long as she is not nauseated and her doctor or midwife does not advise against it for medical reasons.
Provide comfort measures to help relieve pain during labor. Try massaging the mother's lower back with varying degrees of pressure. A very light touch, known as effleurage, can be helpful. Suggest that she try a new position or a warm bath or shower (medical professionals usually advise against baths after a woman's water has broken). Encourage her to breathe rhythmically, exhaling through the mouth. If the two of you attended childbirth education classes together, you probably learned specific breathing techniques to use during labor. Encourage the mother-to-be to give birth naturally if that is her desire but support her if she changes her mind during labor and wants medication.
Provide verbal encouragement to the expectant mother throughout the childbirth process. Women often reach a point during labor when they decide it's just too overwhelming and they can't do it anymore and want to go home and forget the whole thing. Remind her that she is strong and the baby will come soon and she can get through it.
Ask her doctor or midwife or the nurses for suggestions of ways you can help the expectant mother if you're not sure what to do. They can guide you.