How To Get an Illinois Medicaid Card

Illinois Medicaid programs are intended to help residents get the health care they need at little or no cost. Some examples of services Medicaid programs cover include doctor's visits, hospital and emergency services, eye and dental care, mental health treatment, and medications. You must apply for and be approved for Medicaid benefits to get an Illinois Medicaid card. If you are eligible, you receive a card in the mail to cover medical expenses. You must present this card whenever you get health care or other medical services as the card indicates the type and amount of Medicaid benefits you have.


    • 1

      Get an Application for Medical Benefits. Download and print the application packet from Illinois' Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) website at Or obtain an application packet by calling Medicaid's toll-free hotline at 800-843-6154.

    • 2

      Read through the instructions section of the medical benefits application--these are the first six pages of the application packet. If there is something you don't understand, call 800-843-6154 and an operator will assist you.

    • 3

      Fill out the application form located in the pages following the instructions section. If applicable, you may have to complete additional forms at the end of the packet, if they apply to you. For example, you may need to provide information about Medicare or other health insurance you have, information about your assets and information about possible disability you or the person you are applying for may have.

    • 4

      Gather supporting documents to send in with your completed application form. You'll need to show proof of your income and assets, your citizenship status in the United States and your age. If applicable, you may have to show proof of Medicare, other health insurance, pregnancy status and disability. For a complete list of documents you may need to submit, refer to the instructions section of the application packet. Your local Department of Human Services (DHS) office will contact you if they need more information from you.

    • 5

      Find your local Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) by using the office locater on the official DHS website. The locater provides the address, phone and fax number of each FCRC office.

    • 6

      Bring your application and supporting documents to your local FCRC office. If this is not possible, you may also mail or fax your application.

    • 7

      Wait 45 days to hear from the DHS about whether or not you qualify for Medicaid benefits. If approved, you will receive your Illinois Medicaid card in the mail. You have the right to appeal if you disagree with the decision; to appeal, contact your local FCRC office, call 800-435-0774 or write to: Bureau of Administrative Hearings; 401 S. Clinton St.; Chicago, IL 60607.

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