How to Qualify for Free Health Care

Health care is expensive and if you don't have insurance, you may have trouble affording the medical care you need. Some people with low incomes qualify for free health care. The availability of free health care programs varies depending on where you live, and different programs have different eligibility criteria.

Things You'll Need

  • Proof of income
  • Other documentation as requested
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      Gather documentation that verifies your income, such as paycheck stubs, a disability award letter from Social Security or paperwork that states you receive Worker's Compensation and includes the amount you receive. The amount that you can earn and still qualify for free health care depends on the type of free health care for which you want to apply. Some free health care programs take your family size into consideration as well as your income.

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      Visit your local welfare office and complete an application for Medicaid. Take your verification of income with you. In most states, you can also download an application if you prefer. The welfare office will request additional documents as well, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, Social Security card, bank account statements and proof of any health insurance policies. They will let you know if they require any other documents.

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      Contact the financial department at your local hospital if you need inpatient medical care, surgery or any outpatient tests that you would have performed at a hospital. Many hospitals have programs that help pay for health care for people with low incomes. Ask a financial counselor at the hospital if you qualify for free health care. You will need to provide proof of your income as well as information about any health insurance policies you have. Having health insurance will not necessarily disqualify you from receiving assistance.

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      Contact your local mental health board if you need mental health care that you cannot afford. In most counties, mental health boards have funds to help pay for treatment for people with low incomes. Ask if you qualify for free mental health care and how to apply for services. You will need to provide verification of your income, information about your employer if you have a job and information about any health insurance policies.

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