How to Compare Health Insurance PPO Plans
Create a table with one column listing the PPO plan names and other columns called premiums, co-pays, co-insurance, deductibles, provider network and additional coverage. This table can be handwritten or created in Word or Excel. Each new row will represent a different PPO plan. When you gather new information, populate each row and column for final comparison.
Visit a website that features comparisons of multiple health insurance PPO plans such as or These sites allow you to input basic information, answer a few questions and display information on plans that may be available to you. A side-by-side display of PPO plan information makes for easy comparison between plans.
Visit the websites of the PPOs you are considering and complete a provider search that allows you to type in the provider's name to see if they are in the provider network. Compare which doctors are in which plan. The doctors in the PPO plan's network may influence your final decision.
Compare monthly premiums, office and specialist co-pays, co-insurances, deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums for each plan. Consider your budget, how often you may use health insurance services and whether or not dental and vision are part of the PPO plans you are considering.
Review PPO plans for exclusions, pre-existing condition clauses and coverage for services such as maternity, mental health and prescriptions. These specifics may vary greatly by plan and if such areas are important to you, compare availability and costs. Gather this information directly from websites like or the PPO carriers' sites. You may have to call the carrier for specifics if they are not listed online.
Review your table to compare each plan and apply to the ones that best match your needs. Most plans accept applications directly on their websites.