About Tennessee Health Insurance Coverage
TennCare, Tennessee's Medicaid program, offers coverage for low-income residents, uninsured children, disabled residents and pregnant women, with 11 benefits plans. Benefit programs are based on age, medical condition and additional services available from other programs. TennCare services can include coverage for dental care for children under age 21, nursing home care, hospice services, emergency transport, pharmacy services, physical therapy, vision care, doctor's visits, hospital services and long-term care for disabled individuals and senior citizens.
CoverTn provides health care benefits through Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Tennessee. Plans cover basic health care services, such as doctor visits, pharmacy services, emergency care and outpatient and inpatient services. CoverTN offers portable coverage, allowing you take the coverage with you when changing employers. Programs provide coverage for employers with 50 full-time employees or less and their employees, self-employed workers, unemployed workers, county governments and their employees and spouses of CoverTN participants. Plan premiums can vary depending on a participant's tobacco use, age and weight. CoverTN does not pay for pre-existing conditions for the first 12 months of coverage. Tennessee stopped accepting new applications for CoverTN in December 2009, due to budget limitations, but will notify those interested in participating when enrollment resumes.
HealthyTNBabies offers maternity services coverage for women who do not have insurance. The program is open to Tennessee residents who do not have coverage provided by other state-sponsored health insurance programs and those who do not qualify for TennCare benefits. To qualify, a woman's income must fall below 250 percent of the federal poverty level.
The CoverKids program provides health insurance coverage for children up to age 18. The premium-free coverage can pay for laboratory services, emergency room visits, hospital stays, doctors visits, mental health issues, substance abuse, and pharmacy services (with a co-payment). The program does not have deductibles and allows pre-existing conditions. Children can also receive benefits to cover dental and vision services. Your children can qualify for CoverKids if your family falls within income guidelines (below 250 percent of the federal poverty level) and the kids do not have health insurance.
For Tennessee residents denied private insurance because of pre-existing health conditions, Tennessee offers the AccessTN program. AccessTN offers three plans, featuring a variety of deductible levels. Plans can include prescription drugs, home health care, specialist services, inpatient rehabilitation, preventive health care and emergency services. Premium rates can depend on your tobacco use, weight and age. Beginning Oct. 15, 2010, AccessTN will not accept new applicants, referring those interested in participating to, Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan, a new federal program.