Connecticut Medicaid Eligibility Requirements
20 and Under
For children under 19, Connecticut's Medicaid assistance offers Healthcare for UninSured Kids and Youth (HUSKY A), according to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For the HUSKY A program, the applicant's parents' income may not exceed 185% of the FPL. There is no asset limit. Those who range in age from 19 to 20 may join Connecticut's Medicaid programs, qualifying if their total income does not exceed 100% of the FPL. There is also no asset limit.
Parents of children enrolled in HUSKY A may receive Medicaid in Connecticut if their income does not exceed 100% of the FPL, according to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. There is no asset limit. Pregnant women may also apply for Connecticut's Medicaid if their income does not exceed 185% of the FPL. There is also no asset limit. Immigrants declared as refugees by Immigration and Naturalization Services may receive medical assistance in Connecticut if they are not eligible to receive benefits from any other assistance program. Aid will begin the month the refugee enters the United States and continue for a maximum of eight months. The refugee plan is 100% federally funded.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Patients
Medical coverage for women diagnosed with breast and cervical cancers is required by law, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Connecticut's Medicaid will provide assistance to diagnosed breast and cervical cancer patients, provided they are Connecticut residents and U.S. citizens or qualified aliens. Applicants may not have a primary insurance that covers necessary treatments or be eligible for other Medicaid benefits. There are no income or asset restrictions for those diagnosed with breast or cervical cancers; however, women will be required to be screened by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's National Breast Cancer Early Detection Program.