Questions Regarding Health Insurance in Wisconsin
Where Can a Person Ineligible for Private Insurance Find Coverage?
Wisconsin offers the Wisconsin Health Insurance Risk Sharing Plan for individuals who are not able to obtain private health insurance due to current health conditions. This coverage does not have a pre-existing condition exclusion period. There are certain criteria that must be met in order to qualify. The individual applying for coverage must not be currently covered or eligible for health insurance through Medicare, Medicaid or another group health plan. Any COBRA insurance must be used up and should no longer available. The individual must have had creditable coverage for the past eighteen months. The individual must also apply for the coverage within 63 days of losing his prior coverage.
What Options does a Woman Have for Regular Cancer Screenings if Her Insurance doesn't Cover Them?
The Wisconsin Well Woman Program provides for women to receive screenings for common female health issues, such as breast cancer or cervical cancer. Women who qualify will receive these services from participating providers at no cost. Women between 45 and 64 years of age are eligible to apply. They must either have no insurance or have limited insurance that does not cover routine check-ups. There are also limitations based on the applicant's family size and income level. To apply, a women needs to demonstrate proof of her age, income and current insurance.
What Provisions does BadgerCare Plus Offer for Pregnant Women?
Pregnant women who are enrolled in BadgerCare Plus receive prenatal care throughout their pregnancy, prenatal drugs and labor and delivery costs. There are no premiums or co-payments for pregnant women whose income levels fall into the predetermined guidelines. Pregnant women whose income falls above the predetermined level will be responsible for paying a deductible before BadgerCare Plus will take effect. Pregnant women who do not currently receive BadgerCare Plus may be able to obtain temporary health insurance to ensure that they receive adequate prenatal care. Regular doctor visits and dental care are also included in the benefits for pregnant women.