Health Insurance Programs for Children in Texas
Texas has outstanding private health insurance plans, according to a U.S. News & World Report study. These include Humana, CIGNA, Scott & White and Aetna, and they take the form of health maintenance organization (HMO) or managed care plans. Thousands of Texas children receive care through one of these insurers. The family pays a monthly premium, through an employment group or another affiliation, and the children receive medical care.
For parents whose income does not allow them to purchase health insurance, Texas has the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This plan covers children who cannot qualify for Medicaid--the group caught between Medicaid and private health insurance.
SKIP is for children of state employees, providing insurance at reduced rates supplemented by the state.
Texas also has health care without insurance for children of parents who cannot afford private health care through work or other options.
The Primary Health Care (PHC) program covers any children whose parents cannot access other care. This program pays health care providers for services to the children and operates through the Department of State Health Services.
TexCare includes Children's Medicaid and CHIP. Texas Health Steps gives medical and dental examinations and care to children on Medicaid. There is also a WIC or Women's Infant's and Children's program. HeadStart and Early HeadStart provide federally funded medical care.
Parents in Texas may believe they cannot get specialized care for children, but nothing could be further from the truth. Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) pays for medical care and family support services for families of children with disabilities, chronic health conditions or extraordinary needs. Community health care centers in Texas provide area services, and the county indigent care programs provide care for those not receiving Medicaid. Texas school health programs receive funding from the state and provide exceptional care to children attending school.
Children in Texas are not limited to medical care that their parents can afford. Sometimes, parents are unaware of programs available to Texas children of any economic status, whether through insurance or providing medical care without insurance.
In addition to medical care through insurance or special programs, Texas has other programs to aid families who need help. There is a STARS program (State of Texas Assistance and Referral System) to help Texans find eligible programs to purchase food or get health care or child care. The summer food service program provides free nutritious meals to any child under age 18 who shows up. Since nutrition is an important element of good health, Texas makes every attempt to help children eat well.