Social Insurance Number Information

A Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit number issued by the Canadian government. To work or to have access to government programs, like government-run health care, you must have an SIN. SINs are issued to legal residents and citizens of Canada.
  1. Who Can Apply

    • You can apply for a SIN if you were born in Canada, if you are a naturalized citizen, permanent resident, or if you have a work or study permit with authorization to work. To apply for a SIN, you must provide originals of documents proving your status.

    Who to Give Your SIN to

    • Your SIN isn't an identification card, but you do need to give certain individuals and organizations your number. For example, your employer will require the number, you must use the number to files taxes, financial organizations require the number to report interest to the government, and you'll also be required to divulge the number for social assistance programs.

    When You Do Not Have to Provide Your SIN

    • According to the Canadian government, some organizations ask you to give them your SIN when it is not necessary: this practice is discouraged. Some examples of when you do not have to show your card or provide a number include: proving your identity (except for specific government programs), completing an application to rent a property, completing a credit card application or cashing a check. However, this practice of requesting your SIN is not illegal: if you refuse to give out your SIN, the organization may refuse to do business with you.

    Where to Get a SIN

    • You can apply for a SIN at a Service Canada Center closest to you. You'll need to bring your original document (proof of citizenship or residency) to the center. You can also apply by mail by filling out the application form NAS 2120-05-04 and mailing it to:

      Service Canada

      Social Insurance Registration Office

      P.O. Box 7000

      Bathurst, New Brunswick

      E2A 4T1


    • There is no charge to obtain your first SIN, to amend your name on the card, change the expiration date on a temporary SIN card or amend information on your record. However, if you lose your card and want to replace it, there is a fee of $10.

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