Information on TRICARE Prime
Who Qualifies
TRICARE Prime is available to TRICARE beneficiaries who have not yet reached the age of 65. TRICARE Prime is the only TRICARE program available to members of the military on active duty and their dependents. Other TRICARE beneficiaries may select another TRICARE option. In order to qualify for TRICARE Prime, beneficiaries must complete an enrollment form.
Everyone covered by TRICARE Prime is assigned a primary care manager (PCM), either at an approved civilian medical center or at a military treatment facility (MTF). The PCM is responsible for all aspects of the member's medical care, including approving and coordinating all referrals to specialists.
Costs for Active-Duty Military
Active-duty service members, their spouses and dependents pay no out-of-pocket costs for TRICARE Prime, nor for any treatments received or coordinated by their PCMs.
Costs for Other Beneficiaries
Military retirees, their spouses and dependents pay an annual enrollment fee for TRICARE Prime, and a low co-pay for any care that is not received at a military treatment facility.