How to Write a Letter to Cancel a Health Insurance Policy

Any time that you switch insurers or decide to discontinue your health insurance policy, you must issue a formal notification to your current health insurance provider. While most people typically call their insurance provider, many companies also require a written letter to formalize the cancellation request. The letter does not need to be an in-depth explanation of your reasons. Instead, it simply needs to state your intent not to receive coverage and desire not to be charged any additional fees.


    • 1

      Open a new word processing document and enter the following information at the top left side of the page: the date, the name of the health insurance company and the company's mailing address. Underneath this information, type the word "Subject" followed by your health insurance policy number and the word "Cancellation." For example, Subject: "14523376 Cancellation."

    • 2

      Type up an explanation that you want to cancel your current health insurance policy as of the date of the letter or any desired future date. Request that the insurance company send you a written notice of the cancellation and that they refund any money you are due.

    • 3

      Type your full name, address and phone number at the bottom of the letter and leave a space for your signature.

    • 4

      Print out the letter and sigh your name to it using ink. Insert the letter into an envelop with your address in the upper left corner and the health insurance company's address in the center.

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