What Is TRICARE Health Insurance?
In order to be eligible for benefits through TRICARE, you must actively, or have previously, served in one of the seven uniformed services, according to the program's website. Coverage also is available for your family, including your spouse and children.
As of September 2010, there are ten health care plans available through TRICARE. Many of the plans are designated for particular members. For example, some plans provide coverage for members and their families while stationed overseas. There are also plans available for reserve members.
While you do have some flexibility in choosing a TRICARE plan, there are requirements depending on your status in the military. If you and your family are registered on the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), you are automatically enrolled in three plans: Standard and Extra, Standard Overseas and For Life. Additionally, all active duty members must enroll in one of the TRICARE Prime plans.