When Does Insurance Become Effective After Marriage?
Adding Spouse Within the Enrollment Period
Insurance companies often have their own policies when it comes to enrollment dates. Some only allow enrollment during certain months of the year. Insurance companies consider certain life events, such as marriage, an exception. The employee must request enrollment for their spouse within 30 days of the marriage. With some insurance companies, the enrollment period is 31 days from the date of the life changing event. It is a good idea to act as soon as possible.
Coverage Effective Dates
Coverage for a spouse usually becomes effective the first day of the month after the insurance request is received. For example, if the request was made on November 10, the coverage will take effect December 1.
Missed Enrollment
If you do not request enrollment for your spouse within the 30 day period, you have not missed the opportunity completely. Your spouse will need to wait longer for coverage to begin. Usually, a spouse can be enrolled during the following open enrollment period.
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