Medicare Insurance Questions

Medicare falls under the benefits offered by the Social Security Administration (SSA). It took a long time for the U.S. to reach an agreement about a Medicare system; lawmakers had been contemplating it since the 1920's. On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Medicare act into law. The act, and its subsequent amendments, helps pay for some of the costs associated with health care for the elderly and certain other qualified individuals, in the U.S.
  1. Who Is Covered by Medicare?

    • Generally, persons over 65 who are U.S. citizens are eligible to receive Medicare benefits. The law provides for certain exceptions. Anyone who has End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) may receive Medicare benefits regardless of age. Persons under 65 may also receive Medicare coverage if they are disabled and have received disability benefits from the SSA over the last two years. For purposes of Social Security and Medicare, a person is disabled if he has an illness or disease expected to last one year or result in death that prevents the person from being gainfully employed.

    What Are the Types of Medicare Coverage?

    • There are four different types, or "Parts," of Medicare coverage. Medicare Part A helps pay for hospital costs. Included in Part A are costs associated with nursing care including hospice and home health care services. Medicare Part B covers doctor visits and outpatient care. According to the official Medicare website, Medicare Part B generally covers only 80% of the covered-services cost over the deductible. Medicare Part C is known as "Medicare Advantage Plans." Private companies, such as AARP, offer these plans and they include benefits from both Medicare Parts A and B and combine other services such as prescription drug coverage. Medicare Part D is also run by private companies and covers prescription drugs. Consumers must be aware that Medicare is dependent on funding and health care legislation. If there is inadequate funding or if health care reform acts are passed that affect Medicare, certain parts of Medicare may be phased out. Persons seeking Medicare coverage should check with their health care providers for the most current information on Medicare plans.

    Can I See Any Doctor Under Medicare?

    • Medicare does not allow its members to visit any doctor they choose. According to the Nolo Press, Medicare requires that you seek referrals from your primary care physician in order to see specialists. Further, Medicare reviews your medical treatments and claims and may deny those claims if they are not medically necessary. According to the Nolo Press, roughly 30 percent of Medicare patients have been denied coverage because the procedures were not medically necessary or were too experimental. Patients should contact Medicare prior to receiving medical services from specialists to ensure that Medicare covers the service.

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