Information on Medigap Policies

Medigap insurance is supplemental coverage designed to fill "gaps" in Medicare coverage. There are several standard forms of Medigap coverage, each available in the private market. Medigap coverage is not free--people who want to be covered must pay a premium for it.
  1. Medigap Forms

    • The features and benefits of Medigap policies--also called Medicare supplemental policies--are defined by law. Insurance companies must sell you a standard set of coverages, features and benefits, so that you can compare plans easily.

    Types of Plans

    • The Medicare system divides plans into levels A through N depending on the type of coverage under each plan. Plans E, F, H, I and J are no longer sold, but existing plans are still honored.

    Deductibles and Co-Pays

    • Medigap plans can help covered individuals pay co-pays and deductibles not covered by Medicare.

    Items Medigap Does Not Cover

    • Medigap policies do not provide nursing home or assisted-living (long-term care) coverage, vision or dental care, hearing aids or glasses.

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