Insurance Plans for Children
Although private health insurance companies provide coverage for children as part of larger family and group plans, health insurance designed exclusively for children is the providence of the government in the United States. For families without group plans looking to provide insurance for children, state and federal programs exist to provide coverage for children who fulfill program requirements. The programs are designed to cover children from families who don't qualify for Medicaid but don't have access to private insurer policies.-
Children's Health Insurance Program
In 2009, President Barack Obama signed the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act, which expanded the reach and increased the funding of CHIP. The program is now available in all 50 states, and insured 7.3 million children as of 2008. CHIP health insurance covers regular checkups and basic dental care, among other services. Health coverage for unborn children is provided through CHIP's pre-natal program. Requirements for CHIP coverage vary by state, and can be found by visiting program's website.
Children's Health Insurance Program
United States Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
Healthy Families Program
The Healthy Families Program provides health insurance coverage for children who are residents of California. The program was designed to provide health, dental and vision coverage for children who don't qualify for free health care through Medi-Cal, but whose families cannot afford full coverage through a private insurer. Plans provided for children by the Healthy Families Program cover visits to doctors, dentists, eye doctors and specialists. HFP has contracts with clinics, laboratories, pharmacies and hospitals that help alleviate medical expenses.
Healthy Families Program
California Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
P.O. Box 2769
Sacramento, CA 95812-2769
Children's Medical Security Plan
The Children's Medical Security Plan provides primary and preventative medical and dental coverage to children in Massachusetts younger the age of 19 who don't qualify for the MassHealth program. There are no income requirements for the CMSP program, though the program charges a nominal fee that is based upon the size and income of families insuring children through the program. Services covered by CMSP include urgent care, laboratory work, X-rays, eye examinations, hearing tests, office visits and prescriptions.
Children's Medical Security Plan
MassHealth Enrollment Center
Central Processing Unit
P.O. Box 290794
Charlestown, MA 02129-0214