What Is Needed to Sign Up for Medicare?
Medicare needs to know your social security number and your place and date of birth. It also needs the name, birth date, age and social security number of your current or former spouse, the date and place you were married or divorced, and the start and end dates of any military service.
Medicare requires that you send it an original or a certified copy of your birth certificate, original naturalization or citizenship papers, a copy of your military service discharge papers, and a copy of either your W-2 form or self-employment tax return.
Medicare needs the name and address of your employer and the amount of money you earned this year and last as well as a copy of your Social Security Statement.
Be sure not to write on any original documents that you send to Medicare. Submit your application even if you don't have all of your documents ready. You can mail them in separately so long as you include a separate piece of paper with your social security number written on it.