Blue Shield Options
Traditional Insurance
Traditional insurance coverage gives you the most options and greatest freedom explains BCBS. Often called fee-for-service plans, with traditional insurance, you must contribute a co-pay for all health care visits, and there is often a cap on insurance amounts provided each year, as well as an annual deductible that must be before coverage is provided, according to the insurelane website. The BCBS website states that as of 2010, 13 million people enrolled in their insurance plans use this insurance option.
4.8 million BCBS members are enrolled in point of service plans (POS) explains the BCBS website. POS plans allow you to choose what medical services are necessary, as well as the ability to choose a medical provider from both within and out of the network, and a primary care physician is often required, according to the California Office of the Patient Adovate's website .
Preferred Provider Organization
Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) provide incentives for you to visit specified health care providers, such as a discounted cost. Most PPO plans allow you to visit medical providers outside of the PPO, though costs for services are typically higher according to the California Office of the Patient Adovate's website. Most PPOs do not require a primary care physician. The PPO option is popular, providing insurance to over 65 million people, as of 2010, through BCBS.
Health Maintenance Organization
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) are an insurance system where the financial and delivery risks are assumed or shared by the health care system in typically in return for a flat rate for services according to the California Office of the Patient Adovate's website. Most HMO plans are available in specific geographic areas, and membership is through voluntary enrollment. As of 2010, BSBC has over 16 million members enrolled in HMO insurance plans.
Travel Insurance
BCBS offers three options for domestic and international travel, as well as work abroad. The BlueCard is used when traveling inside the United States, and provides you with access to health care coverage when away from home, but in a BCBS covered area. BlueCard Worldwide provides you with medical services when traveling outside of the United States BlueWorldwide Expat is offered to BSCS members who are working outside of the United States.
Other Options
There are three other insurance options available through BCBS states its website. The Flexible Spending Account (FSA) allows you to contribute to your health care directly from your paycheck, and use pretax dollars for qualifying medical expenses. Health Savings Accounts (HSA) allow you to save money for health related expenses in a tax advantage account. Qualifying contributions to your HSA are tax deductible. Employers are able to create Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA) for their employees thought which employee family member out of pocket health care expenses can be reimbursed.