What Medicare Benefits Are Available for a Family After Death?
Forty credits, or four credits a year for 10 years, are needed for survivor benefits. One credit is earned for every $1,120 of wages received up to the maximum of $4,480 per year. If a person dies young, he or she will likely have fewer credits. However, if the deceased has 6 credits for earning $6,720 in wages for a year and a half, some benefits will be paid.
Spouse's Benefit
According to the Social Security Administration, 5 million widows and widowers currently receive survivors benefits. A spouse receives them if she or he meets one of the following requirements: is at least 60 years old; is aged 50 but disabled; or cares for the deceased's child who is 16 years and younger.
Children's Benefits
Children of the deceased under age 18 can receive survivor's benefits. A child who was disabled before age 22 and continues be disabled, is also eligible for benefits.
Ex-spouse's Benefit
If the deceased had a previous marriage that lasted at least 10 years, that ex-spouse is also eligible for survivor benefits. To receive benefits, the divorced spouse must meet the same age requirements of the widow or widower. Benefits given to the divorced spouse will not affect those received by the deceased's family members.
Payment Amounts
Widows, widowers and ex-spouses of full retirement age will receive complete benefits; those age 60 and up to full retirement age, will receive 71.5 to 99 percent of benefits; and disabled spouses, age 50 to 59, 71.5 percent. Limitations, however, are placed on the amount of benefits an entire family can receive. Under certain conditions, a lump sum death benefit of $255 may be made to the spouse or minor children.
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