The Average Price of Medical Insurance
Types of Health Plans
Four main types of health plans include the following:
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO): The HMO insurance company has contractual arrangements with health care providers, and patients typically must see only those providers within the network and must obtain a referral to see a specialist.
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO): A PPO also contracts with health-care providers to form a network; however, patients typically don't have to get a referral to see a specialist and may see providers outside the network.
Point-of-Service Plans (POS): A POS plan is somewhat of a combination of an HMO and PPO. It also has a provider network but allows more freedom than an HMO.
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP): The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that in 2009, an HDHP is "a private health plan with an annual deductible of not less than $1,150 for self-only coverage or $2,300 for family coverage. The deductible is adjusted annually for inflation."
Other plans include consumer-directed health plans (CDHP), health savings accounts (HSA) and flexible spending accounts (FSA) for medical expenses.
Cost by Health Plan Type
The Kaiser Family Foundation reports in its 2010 annual health benefits survey that individuals pay an average of $421 a month or $5,049 annually, while families pay $1,147 a month or $13,770 a year, for all types of health plans. The following is a breakdown of average cost by type of plan:
HMO: $428 (monthly), $5,130 (annually) for single coverage; $1,177 (monthly), $14,125 (annually) for family coverage.
PPO: $427 (monthly), $5,124 (annually) for single coverage; $1,169 (monthly), $14,033 (annually) for family coverage.
POS: $437 (monthly), $5,239 (annually) for single coverage; $1,101 (monthly), $13,213 (annually) for family coverage.
HDHP/Savings Option: $373 (monthly), $4,470 (annually) for single coverage; $1,032 (monthly), $12,384 (annually) for family coverage.
Worker contributions increased for both single and family coverage in 2010 over 2009. "On average, workers with single coverage contribute $75 per month, and workers with family coverage contribute $333 per month towards their health insurance premiums," the Kaiser Family Foundation says in its report.
Projected Per Capita Health Care Expenditures
In 2010, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimated that personal health care expenditures per capita were $6,909. It projects expenditures to increase by 38 percent to $11,077 by 2019. Out-of-pocket expenses, those not covered by insurance or the government, will rise 32 percent from $942 to $1,390, from 2010 to 2019. The following is a breakdown of annual expenditures by type of service:
Dental: $348 (2010), $539 (2019)
Home Health Care: $249 (2010), $459 (2019)
Hospitals: $2,545 (2010), $4,105 (2019)
Physician & Clinical Visits: $1,728 (2010), $2,634 (2019)
Prescriptions: $839 (2010), $1,367 (2019)
Other, including medical equipment: $1,200 (2010), $1,973 (2019)