Social Security Benefits for Infants

Parents of low-birth weight infants may not realize that help is available in the form of Supplemental Security Income benefits or SSI, administered by Social Security. Infants do not have to be born premature to qualify for benefits. In fact, infants who are born at a low birth weight or are small for their gestational age may qualify for Social Security benefits.
  1. Infant's Birth Weight

    • Infants who are born with low birth weight can be eligible for Social Security benefits regardless of whether they are premature. The Social Security Administration website states, "A child who weighs less than 1200 grams (about 2 pounds, 10 ounces) at birth can qualify for SSI on the basis of low birth weight, if otherwise eligible."

    Gestational Age

    • Infants who are born at higher birth weights but who are small for their gestational age can also qualify for Supplemental Security Income or SSI benefits. For a gestational age and birth weight chart, please refer to the Social Security Administration website.


    • Infants who are not low birth weight and not born at an early gestational age but are disabled may still qualify for Social

      Security SSI benefits. Infants qualifying for disability must have little or no income or resources. According to the Social Security Administration fact sheet, "What You Should Know Before You Apply for SSI Disability Benefits for Your Child," an infant or child deemed disabled must demonstrate a physical or mental disability that severely limits activities. Furthermore, the condition must have existed or will exist for at least one year or result in death.

    Applying for SSI

    • To apply for infant Social Security benefits or SSI, you must fill out an Application for Supplemental Security Income and a Child Disability Report. To complete the Child Disability Report online, you will need to provide information pertaining to the infant's medical conditions and records.

      While the Child Disability Report can be submitted online, the SSI Application can only be obtaining by contacting your local Social Security office directly. This request can be made in person or by phone by calling 800-772-1213, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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