How do I Find an Empire Doctor?
Go to the website of the Empire BlueCross BlueShield insurance company. On the left-hand side menu, click on "Members." Then, click on the orange "Enter" button underneath the title "Welcome to EmpireBlue."
Scroll down to near the bottom of the "Member Home" Web page. Locate the blue link labeled "Choose doctors and hospitals that are in your plan's network" and click on it.
Review the list of options to search for a doctor. Select the option that bests suits your needs. For example, you may search by hospitals or doctors that specialize in treating certain conditions. You may search for providers nationwide or even globally. You may also search for providers in your local area, provided you reside in one of the counties listed at the bottom of the Web page.
Click on the option that best applies to you. This takes you to the "Provider Finder" Web page. Select the plan in which you are enrolled from the drop-down menu. Then, select the type of provider you are looking for from the second menu.
Review the options on the third menu that will appear after you click on the second menu. For example, if you clicked on "Physicians," select the type of physician you would like. Or you may choose "Select All Specialties" if you do not have a preference. Click on the "Next" button.
Fill out the next form. Provide your address and select a mileage. The mileage indicates how far you are willing to travel to go to your physician or hospital. Click on "View Results."
Select a provider from the search results list. Providers are listed with their addresses, phone numbers, specialty and distance away from your location.