Veterans Organizations Health Benefits
American Legion
The American Legion is the largest veterans organization in the United States. The American Legion is committed to community service and members often sponsor or commit time to various youth programs in their communities. One benefit of membership to the American Legion is medical discounts on prescription drugs, vision care and preventative health screenings. Current members of the United States Armed Forces or anyone who has served the United States honorably in World War I, World War II, the Korean and Vietnam wars, in Lebanon, Grenada, Panama or in the Gulf War/War on Terrorism is eligible to join the American Legion.
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
Veterans of Foreign Wars, popularly known as VFW, is an organization promoting community service, national security and veterans services. VFW members engage in more than 13 million hours of community service yearly and provide over $2.5 million in scholarships to college students. The VFW sponsors health and dental insurance programs for members and their families, including short-term and permanent coverage.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
The Department of Veterans Affairs, or VA, provides healthcare coverage for all veterans. There is no monthly charge for healthcare services available to all veterans, although there may be a co-pay. Veterans must go to specified VA medical centers across the country to obtain the health care and benefits offered through the VA package.