How to Find a MassHealth Dentist

MassHealth is a health insurance program offered to residents in Massachusetts. This is a combination of the Massachusetts Children's Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, and the Massachusetts Medicaid program. Because it's a public need-based health insurance program offered through the state, it's only available for certain individuals, such as low-income families, the unemployed, people with disabilities and those who are in need of long-term care. If you have MassHealth coverage and have a dental issue, you can find a Massachusetts dentist who accepts MassHealth.


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      Decide whether you want to find a dentist who accepts MassHealth by checking online or by phone. Both options are available.

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      Visit the "Find a Dental Provider" page of the MassHealth website if you want to find a dentist online (See Resources). Enter your address and search radius, and click "Find Providers."

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      Call the MassHealth Dental Customer Service Center if you want to locate a dentist over the phone. The number is 1-800-466-7566. You will need to provide your address and how far you're willing to travel.

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      Call the dental office you find and ask whether MassHealth is still being accepted. Sometimes, the MassHealth system isn't fully updated, so be sure the dentist accepts MassHealth before scheduling an appointment.

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      Tell the dental office to call the MassHealth dental third party administrator if you're told that prior authorization is needed before your coverage can be accepted. This is common with some dental services, including orthodontics. The number is 1-800-207-5019.

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