About Texas Student Health Insurance
University Health Plans
Many colleges and universities in Texas will offer low-cost student health plans. Some schools might require that the student to carry some type of comprehensive health care coverage to enroll. The following are some of the major Texas universities that offer student health coverage: University of Texas System Schools, Texas A&M University System Schools, Texas Tech University, Baylor University, Southern Methodist University, Texas Christian University, University of North Texas, University of Houston, Texas State University, Trinity University, Rice University, Schreiner University and St. Edward's University. These student health plans can range from accident polices to major medical.
Rates and benefits can vary widely across different insurance providers. In 2010, Blue Cross Insurance offers a student health plan starting at $150 per month.
When applying for student health coverage, know in advance your new student address, on or off campus. Request a copy of your medical history before applying for new student insurance. Make sure they also have good customer support with easily located contact information and toll-free telephone numbers. Make a list of questions you might have during the application process.
Example Questions
Example questions could include: What is the maximum I would be covered for? How much will this cost? Will the cost change with different deductibles? What am I not covered for? Are there restrictions on which physicians I can use? Do I need a referral to see a specialist? What if I get sick or hurt while I'm traveling? Do I need pre-approval from the insurance company before I can go see a health-care provider? Am I covered as a graduate student? Does it provide for well-patient visits to a physician?