How to Know What to Wear on the TV News
Start with solid colors. It is best not to have too many conflicting visual images in your clothing when you appear on the TV news. Begin with a solid suit or dress shirt. Women can wear solid suits, sweaters or blouses.
Pay attention to the collar. Collars are very important on TV. When you appear in a "head and shoulders" shot, your collar frames your face. If your collar spreads apart wide, it will make your face appear wider. If your collar is long, pointed and close together it will make your face appear slimmer. Since TV makes most people look heavier than they are, most people should wear longer point collars. The same thing applies to lapels. Wide lapels widen. Thin lapels make you appear slimmer.
Punch up your outfit with a splash of color. A bright tie or scarf will brighten your face without distracting. Go ahead and be bold with red, orange or purple. Even if it seems "over the top" in person, it won't appear so bright on the TV news. Only make one part of your outfit loud. If your suit is dark and your shirt is solid, then wear the loud tie. If you have a brighter shirt or suit, then wear the subdued tie. Women can wear a prominent piece of jewelry if the rest of their outfit is subdued.
Avoid complex patterns like parallel lines, dots and plaid. The camera doesn't like confusing patterns. They blend together and look like a jumbled mess on TV. A subtle pattern in your tie or suit probably won't even show up on camera.
Understand that most of what appears on the TV news is from the waist up. Shoes, belts and pants are not often seen up close. In fact, many TV news anchors wear shorts or jeans behind the desk while sporting coats and ties on top. Don't accent your outfit from the waist down. Focus all your attention on what you look like from the waist up.