Maternity Insurance Options
Personal Insurance
The most ideal situation is when a pregnant woman has insurance provided through her job or through her husband's job. Most companies offer policies with maternity coverage. It covers the majority of all pregnancy-related costs including the delivery. The only out-of-pocket expenses would include any co-pays for doctor's visits and the possibility of having to meet a deductible before the rest of the medical expenses are paid by the insurance company. If you don't have coverage through an employer, you can still get a personal policy that will help pay for the costs of your pregnancy. Shopping around to various insurance companies will give you the opportunity to locate a policy that suits your needs and your budget.
Government Insurance
Receiving the proper care is important for the mother as well as her unborn child regardless of if the woman has traditional insurance. If you don't have insurance you should contact your local government agency for information regarding services available for maternity insurance. They can provide you with all of the options available in your state for pregnant women and you may even qualify to receive Medicaid assistance. Medicaid is a federal program available in most states designed to provide health care benefits for low-income households and it also offers maternity coverage. An income level guide is use to determine eligibility and the benefits include all medical costs associated with your pregnancy.
Discount Health Plans
A discount health plan is not insurance but is an alternative that can also help you save money when it comes to maternity coverage. Unlike regular insurance plans, there is no deductible or waiting period to utilize health discount plans. You can go to any doctor who recognizes the plan and receive a certain percentage off of your services. This option can help pregnant women save on the costs of routine visits, lab work and even on hospital charges for labor and delivery. Some plans can save you up to 50 percent on your maternity care which will help you minimize your out-of-pocket expenses.