Massachusetts Healthcare Options
Commonwealth Care
The Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority runs this health insurance program and the state helps fund it. This health insurance program provides coverage to moderate and low income families. With Commonwealth Care, members can receive inexpensive or free health-care services through managed health-care plans, which private health insurance companies provide. There are several plan options to choose from. Families should be aware that some plans cost more than others. Benefits include outpatient medical care, rehabilitation services, vision care, dental care and wellness care. Eligibility requirements are being 19 years or older, being uninsured, meeting the income limits, being a citizen or eligible noncitizen and not receiving group health insurance from your current employer within the last six months.
Commonwealth Care
MassHealth provides assistance for medium- and low-income families and individuals. There is also a health insurance program for those living with HIV. MassHealth runs other health-care programs such as the Children’s Medical Security Plan, Healthy Start and the Special Kids/Special Care Pilot Program. MassHealth offers coverage for a wide range of people who meet the eligibility requirements. Basic eligibility requirements include parents living with their children under age 19, adult caretakers of children, being under the age of 19, being out of work for a long period of time, being HIV positive and being a woman under age 65 with breast cancer or cervical cancer. As you can see, applicants are not required to have children in order to receive this health insurance. MassHealth determines the size of your family and your income level to see if you can receive health-care services, and counts the assets of those who are 65 years or older.
MassHealth Enrollment Center
Central Processing Unit
P.O. Box 290794
Charlestown, MA 02129
Massachusetts Home Care Program
Massachusetts Home Care Program provides services to elderly people who live independently in their homes. It also offers respite services for caregivers. Eligibility requirements include being 60 years of age or older, being a resident of Massachusetts, not living in a nursing home or assisted living facility, not receiving services from an all-inclusive health care plan, and having an assessment by a case worker that shows a need for services. There may be monthly co-pays for services depending on the senior’s income. Benefits include having an individualized care plan, authorization and scheduling of services, ongoing monitoring of needs and services, and home visits from your case worker.
Massachusetts Home Care Program