About Low-Cost Health Insurance in Texas
Insurance Through Organizations
A common channel people go through seeking insurance is through their employer. More limited health-care insurance can be offered through fraternal, trade union or religious institutions or professional associations. In these instances, the insured usually has to pay the entire premium himself.
Medicaid and the Health Pool
Medicaid offers coverage to those who are eligible, as determined by the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). It is designed for those on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), families with high medical bills they're unable to pay, youths about to exit the foster care system, low-income children under 19 and pregnant women. The Texas Health Insurance Pool was created to serve people who couldn't get adequate insurance because of a health condition, but insurance through the pool is almost twice as expensive as employer programs.
Federally Qualified Health Centers
Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) were set up to "provide comprehensive primary health, oral, and mental health/substance abuse services to all individuals regardless of their ability to pay." Organized by the United States Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC), these FQHCs meet with applicants and assess their needs and resources. A representative then presents applicants with a sliding-scale pay plan based on what the person can afford, in accordance with the Federal Poverty Index Guidelines.
Community Health Services
Similar to the FQHCs, Community Health Services operate to serve the uninsured and underinsured on a similar sliding scale. The difference is that these services were initiated by city or county governments as a part of their assistance initiatives. The Texas Association of Community Health Centers (TACHC) serves these organizations and can help interested applicants.
Coverage for Specialized Groups
People with disabilities or pre-existing conditions can face opposition trying to find coverage, but state laws prevent discrimination against individuals on the grounds of disability alone. Although a disability that "is likely to require future treatment" can lead to a rejection, limited coverage or higher premiums, the Texas Department of Insurance welcomes investigating claims of discrimination against the disabled. Those seriously disabled should apply for the Social Security Disability Income, which can also qualify an individual to be covered by Medicare. Senior citizens can have trouble finding a company to insure them at a reasonable rate. Some may qualify for Medicare, but Medicare may not cover all health-related costs. College students can see if their college or university offers insurance. The University of Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Baylor University, Southern Methodist University and the University of North Texas are a few of the school systems that offer coverage through a private sector carrier.