About Florida Low Cost Health Insurance for Children

Many of Florida's children whose parents are unemployed or have limited incomes have never been to a doctor or a dentist. In response to the growing number of children without health care, the federal government formed the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Now called the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), it provides federal funds for health and dental care and insurance programs to middle and low-income children whose families are not eligible for Medicaid.
  1. Florida KidCare Program

    • With funding from CHIP and the state of Florida, the KidCare program provides affordable, low-cost health insurance to uninsured children. To qualify, parents must be Florida residents. Children must be under age 19 and not covered by any health insurance policy, including Medicaid. Florida KidCare is not free. Families pay a very small monthly fee, which can range from $15 -- $20 per month, depending on income. Although annual income requirements must be met, uninsured children are still eligible if income requirements are exceeded. Florida KidCare programs include MediKids, Healthy Kids, Children's Medical Services (CMS) Network and Medicaid.


    • MediKids provides health and dental care for children ages 1 through 4. The Agency for Healthcare Administration administers this program. Children covered under Medikids receive medical services from Medicaid doctors, but MediKids is not Medicaid. Parents and caregivers pay a minimal monthly fee for the insurance and there are no deductibles, co-payments, or coinsurance.

    Healthy Kids

    • Healthy Kids provides families with children ages 5 through 18 access to affordable, well-established health and dental insurance providers. The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation administers this program by providing families with premium subsidies and available insurance providers that are partnered with the program and the state. Parents pay minimal monthly fees based on income. Healthy Kids also helps lower-income families not eligible for Medicaid.

    Children's Medical Services (CMS) Network

    • Florida's Department of Health administers the CMS Network for special needs children from birth to age 18. Additionally, the Prevention and Intervention division assists special needs children who have been abused and neglected, the Child and Family Information division provides support and information to parents and caregivers, and the Early Intervention and Child Development division provides services to infants and toddlers with significant delays or conditions that may lead to developmental delays.


    • Medicaid is also a part of the Florida KidCare program. Families can apply for Medicaid through the ACCESS Florida program, which is managed by the Department of Children and Families (DCF). Medicaid provides medical care for all children under age 19, depending on family income. Children receiving Medicaid are not eligible to receive KidCare coverage. Medicaid has several programs to protect children. These include programs for pregnant women, medically needy families and emergency medical assistance for those who meet Medicaid requirements but are not citizens.

    Cover Florida

    • The Cover Florida Healthcare Access program began in January 2009. Under this plan, six private insurance companies partner with Florida. They offer affordable health insurance options to Floridians who have no insurance due to job loss, death of a spouse, divorce, or loss of COBRA benefits. Children of eligible families are also included. To qualify, individuals must be without health insurance for at least six months. Coverage is provided even if there are preexisting health conditions.

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