Georgia PeachCare Income Requirements
To be eligible for PeachCare, Georgia families must be both currently uninsured and must have a total family income of less than 235 percent of the federal poverty level. As of 2010, that equates to $43,029 for a family of three or $51,818 for a family of four. In addition, the children must be under 18 and must be citizens, refugees or legal residents of the United States and must live in Georgia. The parent must not be eligible for health care insurance as a State of Georgia employee and the child must not be eligible for Medicaid.
Initial Income Verification
All applicants must include proof of income with their applications. Those who apply online may mail this proof under separate cover. Families must report both earned income (wages, salaries, tips, commission and monies paid in cash) as well as unearned income (Social Security and unemployment benefits, worker's compensation or disability income, child or spousal support). Families must provide the previous month's pay stubs for earned income and unemployment. Social security, child support and other unearned income must be proved using the current award letter or court statement.
Reverification of Income
All Georgia families must re-verify income each year based on the then-current federal poverty rate. Proofs of income for re-verification are the same as those for initial verification. The state will notify families when it is time to re-verify.