How to Get an NPI
A national provider identifier (NPI) is an identification number that is used to pinpoint your health care plan. The number is just an ID number. That is, it contains no information about the health care provider, such as where the health care provider is located or your type of health care. The NPI is given to health care providers that need to submit work-related claims, such as a fall or a back injury, through the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Your NPI guarantees that you have work-related insurance and benefits.Instructions
Applying Online
Go to the "National Plan and Provider Enumeration System" website. Scroll down and click on the "National Provider Identifier" link.
Click on the "Apply Online for an NPI." On the "NPI Application Instructions" page, read the agreement terms then click the "Begin Application Form" button.
Access the "Application Security Check." Answer two easy questions to verify that you are not activating a fictitious account.
Complete the application. Fill in information, such as taxonomy codes, license numbers, mailing address, practice address, phone number and the name of the person who will serve as your emergency contact. Click the "Submit" button to apply for the NPI.
Apply Through the Mail
Call the NPI enumerator. Phone 800-465-3203 and request an NPI form. The NPI will send the form in the mail.
Fill out the form. Mail in the application to P.O. Box 6059 Fargo, ND 58108.
Call the NPI office back in four days. Ask whether your application has been received and how long it will take to process.